Gitbook editor ofline
Gitbook editor ofline

gitbook editor ofline

Apps that require login, will mostly need to use a solid gateway and some sort of identity management solution.In terms of logs - incoming traffic is different when dealing with identify users and when handling anonymous access - both in terms of cyber security as well of data they should be deployed in an elastic high availability manner which means - when high loads occur - please use more resources to handle these loads (and please automatically decrease them when loads return to normal levels) Landing page websites loads may change drastically and without any warning.Also, in most use-cases, these websites should handle very high loads (way more than the app itself, which is login protected). This is why these websites are mostly hosted behind a waf, gateway or any other tier that help these websites to protect themselves from being hijacked. no login is required) they are at a high risk level for ddos and other malicious attacks. It mainly depends on the technological stack that your websiteĪs landing pages are opened to the general public and using anonymous access (e.g. You can select a CDN from your hosting cloud provider (such as aws, azure, gcp, etc.) or use a completely external service (such as max cdn).If that page is also build with a modern stack it also can be hosted via a cloud-based storage.Most chances that your landing page should be served via a CDN in order to get world-wide coverage, while the app itslef may use a cdn. To the point - let's break your question into the followings factors: Before we start, I do agree with you that these 2 different websites have completely different behaviors, hence demand different handling approaches.

Gitbook editor ofline